Had enough of the 'reality picture' of the world and the madness of the consumption and competition paradigms? Seen enough of the documentary films that detail the effects of self-interest and greed especially when it manifests at the level of global leadership? Do you feel as though you have a good sense of the issues and implications of peak oil, climate change and a human population that continues to grow exponentially? And you are making (or wanting to make) changes to your way of life in response to what you understand?
If you identify with any of these feelings, then this months People's Cinema night (the first Tuesday of every month), is for you. I am showing two uplifting films that are showing what people are doing across the world are doing to take care of their own needs.
The Synergistic Garden, a wonderful story of Emelia Hazelip and her French raised-bed gardens. She has been inspired by Permaculture and has created a no dig system which is building in fertility despite no addition of fertiliser or compost. She speaks eloquently and with authority in describing the details of the system she has created.
Then we will screen one of a four-part series by Bill Mollison, co-founder of the Permaculture concepts. This shows Bill in his home garden, and in locations in Africa and India.

This is not so much a how to 'do' Permaculture as it is a how to 'think' about systems that use nature's integrated Some of the stories refer to the side-effects of a globalised world, and offers the solutions, showing how at least some people are making a better world for themselves.
The films will run for about one hour. After which we will re-arrange the couches into a large circle and have a round (using a talking piece) where each person has an opportunity to hear and be heard.
I promise that you will walk away from this evening of film and dialogue, with renewed faith in the human spirit.
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